Monday, January 21, 2008

Shoveling Strategies

Taken from inside- since it was FREEZING out- but the kids wanted to go outside :)
It was interesting watching their different approaches.... notice Boy #1's straight lines...Boy #2 working on an area at a time...and then The Girl's, well, decorative version...she actually shoveled her name in one part of the street :) lol


Unknown said...

I love these photos! It's amazing how differently they attack a task.

Ariana Sullivan said...

I can't believe you took those from inside, lol. Even still they're great :)

I love that you pointed out the different strategies.
While that snow looks like tons of fun, I wouldn't want it for more than a couple days- I feel sorry for you having it all the time.

aboutimage said...

I LOVE the composition in the first image. It looks great.

Funny how cold it can be and kids still want out to play. My son is the same way

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

How funny the different styles of shovling.

I can't help but feel a little sad that my kids wont get to experiance the freezing cold winteres in MN. When you are a kid it is ALL fun and you actually want to go outside lol! I lived on Lake Minnetonka growing up, some great times!