Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My 15 minutes of fame :)

Why am I sharing the cover of the upcoming Family Times magazine?
Because it's MY photo on the cover! Wahoo! :)

A few weeks ago, I was asked to do a cover photo shoot of some local celebrities. Sort of a "family in their own habitat" kind of session. I of course jumped at the opportunity.
We were suppose to shoot outdoors, at a park, a fun "day-in-the-life" type of session. I was so stoked- finally the weather seemed to be done with winter and I could do an outdoor session!
Of course- living in MN, and Mother Nature as she snowed 9" that morning. SO the lovely family kindly dressed in some summer clothes, despite the insane snow, and put on a happy face in their family playroom. It was fun to meet Frank and Amelia and their great kids. The twins are the same age as my own trio, and their older son is a complete hoot. Holding true what I've always said...that all kids named *S* are a handful. I should know since my own Boy #2 has the same name and has proven this belief to me over and over again. :)

The magazine comes out on Friday! I can't tell you how insanely cool it will be to see my OWN photo in print! And the cover no less! So if you live locally (in the Twin Cities)- grab one at your local Caribou or Dr. Office (or one of the other zillion places it will be) and take a peek. There's a few more of my photos in the inside story as well- including a photo of them all playing Twister- which was of course hilarious- and also of course their older son's idea. See? It's the name I tell ya. :)

So here's my first 15minutes of fame as a photographer. You can all say you knew me when. ;)



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Princess and The Beast

My lovely friend Heidi gave me this adorable kid sized arm chair- perfect for kid photos- and The Girl instantly loved and calls "the princess chair" and moves it all around the house to sit in. The same day the pettiskirts I ordered arrived. The Girl knows the pettiskirts are in fact not for her, but to use with clients (also have a light pink one- SO cute!), but had to try them out for me, and for some reason Foster really wanted in on the pics too. Makes me laugh.... :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sneak Peek of *L* and *R*

These two were a serious HOOT! Especially the little one- she was making me crack up the whole time I was there- what a little character she is! Her big sister is a little shy- but just the sweetest thing! At the end of the session I wanted to bring them home :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sneak Peek for Little Boy *A*

Seriously....could he BE any cuter??!! That first photo is literally the FIRST photo I took- you know it's going to go well with a 1st shot like that! What a doll-baby- so happy and sweet :)
S&B it was great to meet you as well- you were so much fun!

Friday, April 11, 2008

*J*'s Sneak Peek- 6wks old and ready to rumble

Often times, I go into a newborn shoot having no idea what's in store. Babies are so unpredictable....will they be happy/crabby/sleepy/awake/fussy etc.... Same can be said for the parents :) lol
But sometimes....such as in this family- I come into a home and am immediately hit by the sense happiness and warmth in the home....a home that just felt calm, peaceful and filled with love.....grandma sitting nearby to lend a at the ready with a burp cloth....and mom full of patience and tenderness for her little boy. This little man is so obviously the center of their world- as he should be. :)

And I have to add that those rugby socks just kill me! Sooooo stinking cute! :o)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

B's Maternity Photos- Sneak Peek

B was my very first maternity session 2yrs ago- when she was expecting baby #2....and I am honored to be able to photograph her belly for baby #3 :) ALL women should be so lucky as to be so glowing and free of stretch marks! :)

The bear in the 1st photo- is a gift to be for baby #3, from his big brother and sister- what a sweet idea! :)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sneak Peek of Baby Aidan

I. Want. To. Steal. Him.

Seriously....sooooo stinking cute!!!

I can't believe how much he's changed since his arrival into this world! (seen below)
Nor can I believe how big he is :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Last Snow-Hurrah

Monday we got DUMPED on- lots and lots of thick, wet, snow. About 9" I think when it was all done.
So the kids went out and built their last snow people of the winter!
The snow was coming down SO heavy I could barely see the kids who were only like 20ft away! :)

You'll notice at the photos progress the snow people have less and less decorations....because everytime the kids would leave them unattended Foster would come and snack on them :) lol
Apparantly he likes dried cherries!