Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day #59- Frosty

The kids made their own "Frosty" today with all of our fresh snow :)

ISO 100 ~ f/5 ~ 1/200

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day #58- Bedtime Banshees

Sometimes trying to get three 4yr olds to bed can be a challenge :D Many nights before bedtime- they get wound up and especially love to wrestle and climb/jump/bounce all over their daddy! This photo is an example of them literally running circles around him. I'm still on a no-flash rule- so available light only (overhead ceiling fan) thus the harsh shadows
ISO 1600 ~ F/2 ~ 1/125

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day #57- Tulips

My weekly challenge photo! :) This weeks challenge was to use as high an ISO as possible- and share it SOOC (no noiseware, etc) I've been on a high ISO kick anyway- to really push myself- so this challenge was right up my alley! These are some tulips I bought yesterday to help remember that spring WILL arrive....eventually :) CWB and Manual Exposure. SOOC except a slight contrast tweak for web viewing. I'm impressed with it- especially for an ISO 0f 1600!
ISO 1600 ~ f/2 ~ 1/60

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day #56- Snow Fun?!

We got about a foot of snow and the kids had a blast outside....until The Girl took a face plant courtesy of her brothers :) Thankfully Daddy was there to comfort her! :D
ISO 100 ~ f/4.5 ~ 1/320

Playing Catch Up

Whew- I've been good about taking pictures- but slow on the uploading front. So today I post-dated/added the last week of pics. :o)

Thanks for looking and leaving all your comments- I really appreciate them! I love visiting my fellow 365ers blogs as well- you all inspire me! For those 365ers using typepad- I've been visiting- but for some reason I get error messages when I try to leave a comment for you! Hopefully it'll be fixed shortly :(

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day #55- Garage Light

These I guess could fullfill the high ISO challenge for this week. We were coming in from outside and I noticed the light in the garage- so had to stop Boy #2 and snap a pic.
I switched to BBF a few weeks ago- and it's helped! I definately like it better.
I'm not sure which I like better- in color or b+w..... thoughts?
ISO 800 ~ f/5.6 ~ 1/80

Friday, February 23, 2007

Day #54- Head and Toes

Pieces of Boy #1. He has this fabulous cowlick on the back of his head that swirls his hair around and when it's too long makes it all stand up :)

His feet- I just love kid feet! He always lays with his feet up when he watches TV.
ISO 400 ~ f/2.8 ~ 1/60 and ISO 400 ~ f/1.8 ~ 1/100

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day #53- Sweet Girl

I love this photo of our playgroup friend....something about her eyelashes and the soft lighting on her face.
ISO 400 ~ f/2.2 ~ 1/200

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day #52- Happy 6th Birthday!

Today is our fur-baby's 6th birthday! :o)
ISO 100 ~ f/4 ~ 1/125

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day #51- Warm Snow Fun

The weather has been WARM lately- okay...warm for MN :) In the 40s! The kids have been enjoying spending more time outdoors. These are 2 I snapped of Boy #2 this afternoon.

ISO 100 ~ f/5.6 ~ 1/400

Monday, February 19, 2007

Day #50- Playdate

Today we had a playdate w/another set of triplets- their mom and I met when we were pregnant- and our kids are 3wks apart. So a playdate w/6 kids all age 4.5! :) Fun fun!
ISO 400 ~ f/5.6 ~ 1/50

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day #49- Belly Thumps

From yesterday's baby shower- my g/f's little baby-to-be was kicking away, so 2 other friends were feeling the belly thumping too. I LOVE this photo- it makes me smile :)
ISO 400 ~ f/2.5 ~ 1/80

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day #48 - Baby Shower

Baby shower for 4 pregnant friends today- for one friend we all made baby onesies :)
ISO 400 ~ f/2.5 ~ 1/250

Friday, February 16, 2007

Day #47 - LINES

The weekly challenge from last week- something you've never photographed before.
This is wrapping paper- I likes how the lines blurred with the DOF.
ISO 400 ~ f/1.8 ~ 1/500

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day #46- Cake Eater

Leftover Valentines Day Cake- Mmmmmmm
ISO 400 ~ f/2 ~ 100

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day #45- Valentines Day- RED (weekly challenge)

Just a quick snapshot of my kids before preschool today. Forgot to reset my CWB so the color is a little wonky. ISO 400 ~ f/4.5 ~ 1/80This was our Valentines Card for family/friends this year. The kids used their ind. pics for their cards for their preschool class. They loved making those :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day #44- Stare Down

Boy #2 staring me down :) Playing around w/the CWB and Manual Exposure. I *think* I'm starting to get the hang of BBF though! I do like it.
ISO 400 ~ f/2.5 ~ 1/200

Monday, February 12, 2007

Day #43- Yoga Girl

Came home tonight late after a meeting and realized I hadn't picked up my camera all day! The Girl, still sick, has woken up and came down to chat with me- and show me her yoga :)
ISO 1600 ~ f/1.8 ~ 1/60

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day #42- Sick Girl

The Girl got hit today with the dreaded virus sweeping our house. :(

She's the best sick patient though- in that she loves to lay in our bed and watch movies/tv :)
ISO 100 ~ f/2.8 ~ 1/125

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Day #40 + 41 (Sick)

I've been sick in the bad the past 48hrs- so no photos. This is a birth annoucement I did a few weeks ago for my g/f. The the 2nd is a sticker I made for her to use as return address labels :)
I think this is my favorite of all the birth announcement cards I've done for people. I just love how it turned out. They were printed on metallic paper and it was SO sharp.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Day #39- Pouty Princess

The Girl was mad at her brothers about something- so sulked away to the stairs to pout.

ISO 400 f/2 1/125
But then in typical princess fashion- she enjoyed getting her photo taken so started to perk up :D

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Day #38- Belle's Festival

My kids set up a "Festival" this afternoon. According to them- this is "Belle with her people"
The candy kisses were the food :)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Day #37 - Tutu Girl

Today was attempt #1 at some pics for their little Vday cards for preschool. It was cloudy so the light was less than optimal, she's sitting on our kitchen table, but this one I thought was pretty cute of The Girl. While I was setting up she ran to her room and put on some lip gloss. Cracked me up. : D

SOOC except for cropping/resizing + a little sharpening for the web. I did manual exposure w/my grey card- it really does make a difference- the colors are spot on. Not sure how I feel about BBF yet- still getting the hang of it.
ISO 400 / f/3.5 / 1/100 / Natural light

Monday, February 05, 2007

Day #36- The Sick Couch

Boy #2 was sick today. This is what he had to do to the couch before laying on it. i.e. drag everything OFF his bed, and set it all up in the living room. Being anal like he is- he even had to tuck in all the blankets and strategically place all his "friends."
I thought we were over this bug- so either it's round 2, or it's another virus! :(
One thing I hate about winter- all the germs from being trapped indoors so much.
ISO 400 / f:8 / 1/40

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Day #35- Fishing for Shrimp

DH was off watching the Superbowl- so the kids and I made shrimp scampi pasta as dh doesn't eat seafood. My boys LOVE shrimp (The Girl thinks it's "ok") and these pics just cracked me up- I couldn't decide which to post- so did a quick storyboard. This is after he had eaten a plateful- he went fishing for more shrimp- using the tongs.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Day #34- Smirk

The Girl- I know it's mommy goggles but it's the smirk on her face that made me smile.
It was a non-postworthy day today. BUT I did switch my focus to BB after a post on ILP. So I'll leave it there all month and see if I like it better- get more accurate focus, etc. I also changed the focus to AI Servo instead of One Shot- to see if it helps w/moving kids. Gotta love ILP- I hadn't ever thought to change that! :) lol
ISO 400 / f:2 / 1/160

Friday, February 02, 2007

Day #33 - Mmmmmm

Mmmmm chocolate Malto-Meal with mini marshmallows tossed on top to melt in. My DH got the kids liking this. I think it's gross- but when you are a kid, what's better than chocolate and marshmallows for breakfast! :o) I'm really digging the natural morning light in my kitchen though- I may have to try to take advantage of it more.

ISO 100 - f/2 - 1/100

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Day #32 - Spooooky

I came home late tonight and the moon looked like this- I thought it was pretty cool, w/the "Spoooooky" (as Boy #1 would say) clouds.

ISO 800 - f/2.8 - 1/13