Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day #58- Bedtime Banshees

Sometimes trying to get three 4yr olds to bed can be a challenge :D Many nights before bedtime- they get wound up and especially love to wrestle and climb/jump/bounce all over their daddy! This photo is an example of them literally running circles around him. I'm still on a no-flash rule- so available light only (overhead ceiling fan) thus the harsh shadows
ISO 1600 ~ F/2 ~ 1/125


Robyn said...

OMG what a handfull! How do you cope? Great capture

Ariana Sullivan said...

Haha, I literally laughed out loud at the picture and your explanation. And I thought one 3 year old was difficult!

I love your husband's expression in the picture, to me he looks like he's thinking "haha, now let's go to bed..."

Unknown said...

Love it!! Those are the moments.. Great capture!

Amanda Fish said...

Great in the moment shot!

I added you to my list of 365ers. Oh, and I absolutely love the Indigo Girls too.

Melissa Davis said...

lol, too cute! Fun shot to have!