Monday, July 09, 2007

Day #190- Garden Gnomes

We planted our 1st real garden this year (previous years we did container garndening) and the kids are obsessed with watering it everyday and watching to see the growth. SADLY something has eaten over 1/2 our garden. 3 rows of beans, a row of sugar snap peas, and a row of cauliflower and broccoli...have all biten the dust to something that ate them down to the soil.
My guess is our area deer and rabbits have discovered our open veggie bar....
The kids however think it's the garden gnomes :)

The picture of The Girl kissing the plant..... back in May when we all went to the garden store to pick our plants and seeds for the garden- The Girl really wanted a pumpkin plant. Me, knowing how much space they need said not this year. She pouted, but that was the end. Or so I thought. When I get home, I unload all the plants and bring them up to our top plateau for the garden spot and discover that SOMEHOW I came home with a pumpkin plant. The Girl gets a huge grin on her face and looks away very guilty like. The little stinker snuck in on our cart! So...we didn't have room for it, but she kept it in the little container it came in and kept watering it.
After 1/2 our garden was ransacked and emptied...we suddenly had room for the beloved plant.
So there it is after she planted it. :)

Oh- and the the only one that came up. The others never developed into bulbs or something...
A green thumb I have not :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG your kids are too funny!! Love their expressions on their faces!!