Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Day of Preschool

My friends have commented on the lack of photos of my own kids lately.....well this would be an example of WHY.
They suffer from what is commonly known as "PKS" - which my fellow photogs know is
"Photographer's Kid Syndrome"
They are SO over me taking pics of them it's not even funny.

So when it comes to a momentous occasion such as this....their last day ever of preschool- this is what I get.
Notice also- how once again I sent the boys to school w/out noticing they had not brushed their hair....oh well- at least they have shoes on! They've on occasion managed to go to school with slippers on w/out me noticing.



Stephanie said...

holy camole - B got TALL! yes, you should seriously take more pictures - he's about what, 6 feet now?

Christie said...

LOL, love your kids! look at those cheesy smiles. lmao

yes, my kids have PKS too. it's actually a pretty serious affliction if not treated promptly.