Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day #193- Peppermint Twist

Today we went to lunch and spent the afternoon with our playground friends at The Peppermint Twist. For those of you who live around us, if you've been there you know how fabulous it is, if you haven't- you MUST go! It's a blast :) To those not in MN- it's a 50s style drive in car hop restaurant with a playground. The best part of the playground is an outdoor dance floor with a jukebox that the kids can choose the music. (lots of 50s tunes) Check it out: It's famous and has been on The Food Channel :)
The kids had SO much fun there today...thus lots of pics :)

C#1 showing us his beary cute smile:

The Girl enjoying her kiddie cone:

The awesome dance floor:

I am a little in love with these captures...SO Boy #1 at this happiest :)

This was my BAD idea of the have 5 kids standing on the top platform for a pic of their shoes...literally 1 second after taking this they ALL fell off and tumbled on top of each other onto the ground resulting in many cries and one bloody scraped leg. Poor C#2 thankfully he's a forgiving soul :) BAD photographer BAD.

If you go there- be sure to get the raspberry's heaven! :D


aboutimage said...

Looks like a great time :)

Cute pics -- love the ice cream cute

KFphotography said...

Amy, these are great! I fell in love with the ice cream one...then I saw the jumping with the flags...I just can't choose! They look like they were having the best time. Great captures. I sure wish my kids were small again..LOL only for pics though..LOL

Anonymous said...

I LOVE places like this!! Very cool action shots you got there!! The kids look like they were having so much captured some great ones!! Love the crocs...tisk tisk ;) ;) LOL!!

Lulu said...

Oh...Amy! What wonderful life moments you have here!! I love them all...and the fun stories to go with it. TFS!

sherry boles~ said...

Wonderful fun images!

Ellen said...

I love these, so much fun! Poor kids for falling, but hey, the shot is great at least!

Louisa said...

Awww, poor kiddies, I can totally see that happening. Great capture though - at least you got that!