Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Day #330- Lists
Boy#1 is obsessed with writing...LOVES to write. He esp likes to makes lists of words. So this was tonight.
And no he doesn't actually know how to spell all these- he looks for words and writes them down. (books, boxes, magazines, etc)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
11:38 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Day #325- Turkey Cookies
Today at playground the kids made turkey was fun to see their own ideas of how to decorate :)
The last pic- The Girl is wearing my apron from when I was a little girl and would "help" my mom in the kitchen :)
Don't ask about her hat.... She loves it. lol
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
3:56 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Day #322- M & A
Okay adorable are they??!!! They were troopers too because it was crazy cloudy, windy, FREEZING and actually SNOWING! Good thing I shoot fast :) Here's a sneak peek....
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:36 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Day #321- Cooking Club
Today was my turn to host- and the theme was fall lots of squash and apples :)
Here's a few pics from our our missing member can see what we did (We missed you but hope the concert was fun!)....a pear and raw beet salad w/feta cheese...squash soup w/apples and leeks... phyllo rolls with apples, pecans and gorgonzola....pumpkin and squash risotto...and chocolate truffle cakes. Not pictured- apple almond tart, and mediterranean quiche.
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:40 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day #320- Return of SuperMouse
My kids are fans of The Justice League- and like most kids have their token favorites. Boy #1 loves Superman, Boy #2 loves Batman...and of course The Girl is all over Wonder Woman. They make me laugh when they fly these around the house "saving" random things from "evil" Well the infamous Little Mouse has returned to us this weekend (Boy #1's turn with him) so he donned his super-attire and joined the League. :)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
11:03 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Day #319- Mmmmmmmm
Yes I am a foodie. But yes I also love Ramen. DH is out of town so this was our dinner. Well- this is technically a picture of the kids dinner...but I ate it too. My kids, like me, love it :)
And it's the perfect nutritously void meal.
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
9:20 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Day #318- Happy Day (musically speaking)
Today the hubster and my BIL got in line at 6am to await the limited release of the this years Cities Sampler.
I'm so excited and immediately uploaded it to iTunes today. It's fabulous this year!
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
2:38 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Day #317- Cinderella
Only when you're 5 is mopping the floors thought of as "Fun" and a "Treat"
I wonder how long till they catch on to the reality....
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
2:36 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Day #316- My New Addiction
They taunt me with their "for a limited time"..... so evil to get me addicted and then immediately also instill the panic of wondering how long till my supplier cuts me off.....
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
2:33 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Day #315- S Family
There's nothing easier than photographing a gorgeous family! Their home backs up to a nature preserve which is seriously a photographers DREAM...woods....marshland...just gorgeous- I'm so jealous!
E+J are the cutest kids...and come March they'll be another baby boy in their family! :D
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:09 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Day #314- RJ
Seriously- HOW CUTE is he?! His smile is so contagious- just a sweetie-pie! He's been seen previously on my blog HERE and HERE
His parents are our friends- and I took their family photo for their holiday card at their new house today. RJ is soooo cute I could just eat him up! :)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
9:20 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Day #313- "The Best Time of Year"
This morning the kids woke me up with their shrieks of joy and running like crazy all over the house "It's SNOWING!!!" The Girl was so exited she was literally jumping and leaping around saying "It's the best time of year! It's HERE! It's HERE!"
Sadly- the flurries only lasted about 20min. :) They cannot WAIT for the snow.
This brief preview has reminded me that I need to find boots....sigh.
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
2:04 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Day #310- Storytime and Civic Duty
Today Little Mouse joined the boys at the library while The Girl was in dance class. He really enjoyed listening to this particular story on the computer. Then since it's voting day- he of course participated in expressing his right to vote. The kids said he was voting "for the best mouse to be president of Mouserica" :D
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
11:05 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Day #309- Meet Little Mouse
I apologize right now for the week of pictures coming..... Meet Little Mouse. Those of you with little kids surely recognize him from the books "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "If You Take a Mouse to School"
Well- he's sort of a traveling "pet" for the kids preschool. He comes with the above mentioned books, and a 3ring binder with a page for each child in the class. The kids take turns bringing him home, having adventures with him- and then documenting it for the book page. Very cute idea. SO he's ours for the week :)
Today- he went to the grocery store! I got some seriously odd looks from people- esp when he was froclicking in the cheese case :) It was a hoot though- the kids are really having fun with it.....
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:58 PM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Day #307- Auntie Mandy
Today The Girl and I attended a shower for my SIL- who's expecting their 1st baby in Dec. When we got home- The Girl decided to write about it in her homework notebook (the kids have a notebook they have to do a page about something they did that week, and bring it back to school on Monday)
SO- this is her depection of the event- Mandy it looks just like you don't you think? :D
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:53 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Day #306- Doggy Grandpa
My dad was here today and they brought this up for me :) If the nose was a little longer it'd look just like our furry beast :)
The kids think this is a hoot- they call it the "We Love Foster Sign!"
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:36 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Day #305- Fun Mom
I hate fingerpainting....when my kids ask to do it- I always redirect them to something else...because I hate it! It's messy, and you end up with paint finger prints accidentally in a trail from the table to wherever they put their papers or wash their hands.... plus 20 soaking wet abstract art papers that just end up in the trash anyway....I know...I'm a mean mom. Other painting FINE- but finger painting makes me shudder.... Anyways- SO today was a day I said "Go ahead!" and let them at it. So The Girl told me "Thanks for being fun mom!" Seriously...that girl can passively shame me like no other. I'm going to have to print this blog when I'm done to save for the kids when they are older, because right now all I ever hear is that "We NEVER do anything fun!"
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
10:27 PM