Monday, November 05, 2007

Day #309- Meet Little Mouse

I apologize right now for the week of pictures coming..... Meet Little Mouse. Those of you with little kids surely recognize him from the books "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "If You Take a Mouse to School"
Well- he's sort of a traveling "pet" for the kids preschool. He comes with the above mentioned books, and a 3ring binder with a page for each child in the class. The kids take turns bringing him home, having adventures with him- and then documenting it for the book page. Very cute idea. SO he's ours for the week :)
Today- he went to the grocery store! I got some seriously odd looks from people- esp when he was froclicking in the cheese case :) It was a hoot though- the kids are really having fun with it.....


Karson and Kami said...

LOL! Okay this really made me laugh! I'd probably look at you too and be like "what the heck is this lady doing?" Haha too fun.

Jennifer said...

you totally made my day happier and I really needed that. Thanks so much for the laugh, these are so imaginitive and sooo cute!

aboutimage said...

lol, I love your creativity!

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

LOVE these. If you give a mouse a cookie is the favorite book right now at your house.

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

Well, we had to stop by again. Orders from a certin five year old who had to see mouse again!