Thursday, November 01, 2007

Day #305- Fun Mom

I hate fingerpainting....when my kids ask to do it- I always redirect them to something else...because I hate it! It's messy, and you end up with paint finger prints accidentally in a trail from the table to wherever they put their papers or wash their hands.... plus 20 soaking wet abstract art papers that just end up in the trash anyway....I know...I'm a mean mom. Other painting FINE- but finger painting makes me shudder.... Anyways- SO today was a day I said "Go ahead!" and let them at it. So The Girl told me "Thanks for being fun mom!" Seriously...that girl can passively shame me like no other. I'm going to have to print this blog when I'm done to save for the kids when they are older, because right now all I ever hear is that "We NEVER do anything fun!"


Betty "CC" Gray said...

We should have coffee together. You know the "Unfun moms" group! hahahaha

Christie said...

amy, i just read through all the posts i've missed but just commenting on this one.

i feel the same way about fingerpainting, ugh. we bought several containers of it through our charter school and i'm dreading using it.

i loved your picture of the 3 cups of ramen. we love top ramen and we know it's junk too.

i really loved going through all your images, i feel like i know your family.