Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope you are having a lovely Vday! :)
Theses are the kids Vday cards this year- the ind ones were for school-
attached to cards w/some candy (kisses, conversation hearts, and then Boy#2 was "holding" a sucker)
As for Boy #1's hair.....well......he originally wanted "rock-n-roll hair" so hubby had put some hair wax in it to make it all spikey- it looked great! Then Boy #1 decided he didn't like it....so combed it down.
Hence the Grecian Formula look :)
And in honor of Vday- a new tune. One of my current faves :)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
12:19 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
5 1/2 yrs
I've been working on finding pics for the kids "VIP Posters" for school and came across these which made me feel "awww where did my babies go!" And then I realized that TODAY they are exactly 5 1/2 years old :) They were excited to learn of this 1/2 birthday event. The Girl asked if they could have a 1/2 cupcake :)
We opted for brownies instead.
So.... a few pics from their 1st 6months of life- and a snapshot from today.
Their 1st day in the NICU all sharing a crib (3days old)
First day at home- all snuggled in the pack-n-play. Crazy to think they fit in a row the short way.
This photo will ALWAYS make me laugh- Halloween 2002
Xmas 2002
Out in the snow at Grandpa's.
Today :)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
2:38 PM
Monday, February 04, 2008
The kids recently had a project at preschool involving igloos- and brought them home. Well- they wanted to add on to them, so we picked up more supplies (sugar cubes, corn syrup and food coloring) and they spent the afternoon working on them...aren't they cool??
ETA: Betty I emailed you. Ariana- no.....I don't scrapbook.....but have the best intentions to "someday" do something along that lines. I have SB "stuff" both paper and digi- but have done very little other than calanders.... but as for what I do with all my pics. 99% are on CDs/ExternalHD and 1% are printed. I'm currently working on some collages to get printed large and framed or as canvases for their rooms :)
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
3:31 PM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Weiszy's 3-Man Hat
The Girl recently found this hat in our camping stuff, and has claimed it as her own. Since it is pink afterall.
My friends know the story of the hat- and someday when she's older I'll tell her too. Maybe :) Until then- it's just too cute to she her wearing it. Makes me smile. Weiszy we miss you!
Posted by
Amy (3 Peas)
9:27 PM