Monday, February 04, 2008


The kids recently had a project at preschool involving igloos- and brought them home. Well- they wanted to add on to them, so we picked up more supplies (sugar cubes, corn syrup and food coloring) and they spent the afternoon working on them...aren't they cool??

ETA: Betty I emailed you. Ariana- no.....I don't scrapbook.....but have the best intentions to "someday" do something along that lines. I have SB "stuff" both paper and digi- but have done very little other than calanders.... but as for what I do with all my pics. 99% are on CDs/ExternalHD and 1% are printed. I'm currently working on some collages to get printed large and framed or as canvases for their rooms :)


Ariana Sullivan said...

That's such a cute idea! Great pictures of them working on it! I especially like the first one and how the pinky finger is up :)

Ariana Sullivan said...

Just curious do you scrapbook at all? Or do you print photobooks or anything like that?

Your pictures are exactly what I love to capture of kids growing up and I'm wondering how you keep them for your kids when they're older :)

Betty "CC" Gray said...

That is soooooo cute! Love it. Please email me and let me know how the igloos are done. I'd like to let my boys build one. :-)

Karson and Kami said...

How fun!!! I bet the kids just have a blast doing something like this!

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

So cool, my 5 year old was excited to find out what these things were lol.