My 15 minutes of fame :)
Why am I sharing the cover of the upcoming Family Times magazine?
Because it's MY photo on the cover! Wahoo! :)
A few weeks ago, I was asked to do a cover photo shoot of some local celebrities. Sort of a "family in their own habitat" kind of session. I of course jumped at the opportunity.
We were suppose to shoot outdoors, at a park, a fun "day-in-the-life" type of session. I was so stoked- finally the weather seemed to be done with winter and I could do an outdoor session!
Of course- living in MN, and Mother Nature as she snowed 9" that morning. SO the lovely family kindly dressed in some summer clothes, despite the insane snow, and put on a happy face in their family playroom. It was fun to meet Frank and Amelia and their great kids. The twins are the same age as my own trio, and their older son is a complete hoot. Holding true what I've always said...that all kids named *S* are a handful. I should know since my own Boy #2 has the same name and has proven this belief to me over and over again. :)
The magazine comes out on Friday! I can't tell you how insanely cool it will be to see my OWN photo in print! And the cover no less! So if you live locally (in the Twin Cities)- grab one at your local Caribou or Dr. Office (or one of the other zillion places it will be) and take a peek. There's a few more of my photos in the inside story as well- including a photo of them all playing Twister- which was of course hilarious- and also of course their older son's idea. See? It's the name I tell ya. :)
So here's my first 15minutes of fame as a photographer. You can all say you knew me when. ;)