Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day #304- Happy Halloween!

Dressed up for school :) The Girl trying to show her skirt twirling :)

OH- and notice the new music? If you are a Minnesotan you of course KNOW about the Gear Daddies..... but I felt the need to share a few of their tunes with those not familiar with them. For most of my friends- these were the songs of our college years :) Adam- you know which one's for you :D
I apologize in advance for the profanity in the 2nd song- so turn it down if kids are around...but it's a classic :)
(Click the arrow on the music box to skip to the next song....I think I put 8 on there)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day #303- Sally

Meet Sally. Beloved dog of The Girl- and "sister" to Shy-Dog and Blinky. Blinky is Boy#2's little dog- who's been missing since he brought him to school for show+share last week....hopefully soon he'll make a reappearance so the dog trio can be reunitied once again :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day #302- Lawn Party

Self explanatory :)
In the last pic they are watching the UPS driver bring packages to our neighbors :)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Day #301- Lumberjack Boy

First of all- DAY # 300! Rock on!! :)
2nd- I'm a little in love with this photo.
Today I took the kids out in an attempt to get some nice fall pics and possibly some for our Xmas card....once laid plans gone awry....why is it that when I WANT a good group pic it never happens? :)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Day #300- Cool Dude

Friday, October 26, 2007

Day #298- Jack & Jamie

These boys were such a hoot- LOADS of energy!!!! I think the wubbies picture is my personal favorite :) lol

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day #297- Stylist

Today the Girl had very specific ideas about how she wanted her hair to as you've surely noticed she's a big headband wearer....she use to wear a lot of ponytails but these days doesn't like them...until today...when she was adamant that she have THREE- and with these specific ties and bows.....makes me laugh :) The boys loved it because they felt represented- since one loves blue and the other green.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day #296- Halloween Party

Tonight the kids had a Halloween party thrown by my mothers of multiples club- they had a BLAST! The 1st pic is our lovely group of friends- whom we've been hanging out with frequently over the past 5yrs-it's been about 2yrs since we've had a group pic of the 9 of them I think :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day #295- Return of Shy-Dog

Shy-Dog is Boy#1's most favorite stuffed animal.....and he went missing about 6months ago when we were down at my dad's house. Despite searching on all of our parts, MANY times, he could not be found. Until now. My dad's keen eye spotted just a little paw peeking out from the fireplace/stove pipe....he had landed there after the boy was throwing him around.
So today Shy-Dog was returned to the boy......who's VERY happy :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Day #294- End of Season Picnic

Enjoying one of our last warm days..... :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day #293- Sebastien & Julien

I had forgotten how BUSY 2yr old multiples can be!!! :) S&J were SO much fun to chase around and attempt to capture. So much personality and ENERGY- just fun fun fun! :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day #292- Addison

A belated preview from a shoot last weekend. How CUTE is she?! Such a doll :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Day #291- Our Corny Day

Last night at bedtime, The Girl told us she had a piece of corn stuck in her ear....looked in...sure enough could barely see what looked like the tip of a piece of dried corn (from the decorative dried corn) WHY she stuck it in there- she said the boys were too loud and she wanted to plug her ear. Baloney. We tried to get it luck. So put some mineral oil in her ear and hoped it would fall out while she slept. No luck.
So....called the Dr 1st thing in the morning- and today around 11am we headed to the Ped...who looked- and then sent us to Urgent Care....where after an hour of trying to suck it out w/a vacuum thing...and flush it out with water....sent us to see an ENT. Head to the ENT....wait another hour. He looks at it....tries to get it out...says it's now so wedged in there and against her ear drum...there's no way to get it out. Plus her eardrum is now so tender from all the attempts that it appears it might rupture, so we need to get it out ASAP. SO we're off to the hospital to have it surgically removed.
Spent HOURS at the hospital waiting and waiting...with the boys crazy bouncing off the walls tried of being cooped up in small rooms for hours on end and starving....finally at 8:30PM the anethesologist comes in and she gets wheeled in to surgery.

She's now cornless, and at home recovering.

How ridiculous is that??!!!

They gave us the piece of corn in a little tube.....makes me laugh.

It's got to be the most expensive piece of corn ever.

And age 5 don't you know not to stick things in your ears?!


Oh- and as for today's we are leaving the ENT and heading to the hospital...Boy #2 says to me "Mom- today we're having a....... CORNY DAY!"


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day #290- Maples

We have one Maple tree in our yard and it has the MOST gorgeous leaves every Fall....these giant lovely leaves of glorious colors... :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day #289- A Boy & His Slime

Yet ANOTHER rainy day...this makes 4 in a row....sigh....
The kids acquired some bugs in slime this weekend from their grandparents (thanks DAD) which I find disgusting, which of course makes them constantly flick the bugs at me much to their hysterical laughter. :) Boy #2 "Hey mom- take a picture of me with my slimey bug!" The bugs are not only slimey but they've also discovered that if they throw them on the ceiling they'll stick there for awhile, until they fall on unsuspecting people.... :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day #288- Concentration

Boy #1 just loves to practice he's writing all the names of people (and animals) in our family :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day #287- Rainy Day Items

Stuck inside on another rainy day....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day #286- 40 Years for E&G

Today we celebrated my ILs 40th Wedding Anniversary. I am so thankful that my husband has grown up with such a wonderful example of love, commitment, and respect. I know that he is the husband he is, because of his parents example. And what a great example they have set. We should only be so lucky to follow in their footsteps.
Here they are with 6 of their 7 1/2 grandchildren (#7 was home due to his health, and #8 arrives in Dec) Hopefully next year we'll be able to get a picture of them with all 8!! :D

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day #285- R&R

What a great day.....a full 24hrs of nothing to do but be with friends and's a view from the front of our cabin.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Day #284- Jamie

How cute is he?!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day #283- Happy Boy

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day #282- Monkey

This is one of those skills that makes my kids seem so much older...this summer they mastered the monkey bars....
and now are moving on to the swinging ones.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Day #281- The Girls

Today I took these girls to the park for their 5yr pictures. It was fun but challenging. I've known them for so long now that it was nice since they are comfortable around me....but also harder because they are so use to me and my camera that the novelty wasn't there so much :) Despite the cold weather and crazy wind- we managed to have a good time :)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Day #279- Sneak Peek for E&S

I had the pleasure of photographing this family this afternoon at their farm- the rain stayed at bay, although it was a dark and dreary day- but the two kids were just ADORABLE and so much fun!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Day #278- Pensive

Friday, October 05, 2007

Day #277- Rainy Day Mood

It's been rainy and grey a lot this I've been in a b+w's been awhile since I've done many conversions, as the summer lends itself to such great colors.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Day #276- Tree Climbing Safety

Boy #2 often wears his bike helmet when he climbs trees..... "to keep my melon safe!" he says :)