Friday, October 19, 2007

Day #291- Our Corny Day

Last night at bedtime, The Girl told us she had a piece of corn stuck in her ear....looked in...sure enough could barely see what looked like the tip of a piece of dried corn (from the decorative dried corn) WHY she stuck it in there- she said the boys were too loud and she wanted to plug her ear. Baloney. We tried to get it luck. So put some mineral oil in her ear and hoped it would fall out while she slept. No luck.
So....called the Dr 1st thing in the morning- and today around 11am we headed to the Ped...who looked- and then sent us to Urgent Care....where after an hour of trying to suck it out w/a vacuum thing...and flush it out with water....sent us to see an ENT. Head to the ENT....wait another hour. He looks at it....tries to get it out...says it's now so wedged in there and against her ear drum...there's no way to get it out. Plus her eardrum is now so tender from all the attempts that it appears it might rupture, so we need to get it out ASAP. SO we're off to the hospital to have it surgically removed.
Spent HOURS at the hospital waiting and waiting...with the boys crazy bouncing off the walls tried of being cooped up in small rooms for hours on end and starving....finally at 8:30PM the anethesologist comes in and she gets wheeled in to surgery.

She's now cornless, and at home recovering.

How ridiculous is that??!!!

They gave us the piece of corn in a little tube.....makes me laugh.

It's got to be the most expensive piece of corn ever.

And age 5 don't you know not to stick things in your ears?!


Oh- and as for today's we are leaving the ENT and heading to the hospital...Boy #2 says to me "Mom- today we're having a....... CORNY DAY!"



Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

That's got to be one of the most unexpected days ever. Hopefully no one will do that again!

Jennifer said...

oh poor girl! I feel so bad for her. I just went through a very similar event with my daughter just a few weeks back. Yep, my daughter gets sent home from school, because the nurse thinks she has a temperature and strep throat. We get the the dr. and she doesn't have a temp or strep, but she does have a bright pink bead stuck in her ear. After a couple of hours and different doctors coming in nd a water pick later its out. We where almost to the next step of surgery too, luckily it finally pushed out. I am so thankful. So I know what you went through, its sad but funny at the same time and over something so small too!

Ariana Sullivan said...

Oh my gosh, Amy!! I seriously couldn't believe it when I read the part about surgery! Sheesh, how totally crazy.

Your title and how your boy said it made me laugh out loud.

I'm still giggling a's just too crazy to not laugh about.

Christie said...

oh amy, what an ordeal! i'm glad it's out and she's ok. kids... i took my daughter to the er a few months ago because she swore she sat on a tiny toy in the bath and it was stuck... somewhere, lol. turns out there was nothing there but it seems a common thing among kids.

i like the blue toenail polish... and did you really have your camera with you in the hospital? you are cracking me up because i usually leave mine at home and never have it when i need it.

Unknown said...

That is crazy! You had an eventful day all over a little piece of corn. Great story though and I'm glad everything turned out alright. :)

Karson and Kami said...

Okay, so at the first of the post I'm laughing (How she was trying to plug her ears from the boys being too loud) But once I read further I started to feel bad for laughing about it because it became serious...but then by the end where I read your son's comment, I started laughing again haha. Hey, it's something you'll always remember!!

Heather said...

OH man what an adventure! Glad she is ok and her ear isn't harmed. Poor thing...brothers are so mean! Hope she is *healing* ok :)

Unknown said...

WOW! Glad she is on the mend.. and what your son said made me laugh out loud! :)