Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day #297- Stylist

Today the Girl had very specific ideas about how she wanted her hair to as you've surely noticed she's a big headband wearer....she use to wear a lot of ponytails but these days doesn't like them...until today...when she was adamant that she have THREE- and with these specific ties and bows.....makes me laugh :) The boys loved it because they felt represented- since one loves blue and the other green.


Christie said...

my dd wears 3 ponytails too. i love the first shot and this girl's smile is just too much!

Angela said...

my dd loves the same hair style! I think it's adorable! Love her smile!

Jennifer said...

First I wanted to say that I love your kids costumes too cute!!

And then second I just love her hair style its so fun and the bows show so much fun and funkiness. Just like punky brewster!:)

Karson and Kami said...

Aw I think this is so cute and I *love* the hair bows! I can't wait to have a little girl so I can do fun things like this. She's too stinkin cute!

aboutimage said...

I love it!