Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day #289- A Boy & His Slime

Yet ANOTHER rainy day...this makes 4 in a row....sigh....
The kids acquired some bugs in slime this weekend from their grandparents (thanks DAD) which I find disgusting, which of course makes them constantly flick the bugs at me much to their hysterical laughter. :) Boy #2 "Hey mom- take a picture of me with my slimey bug!" The bugs are not only slimey but they've also discovered that if they throw them on the ceiling they'll stick there for awhile, until they fall on unsuspecting people.... :)


Christie said...

i love this boy, he is SO adorable.

once again, amy, your sticktoitiveness is amazing. you're the only person i know that is actually DOING the 365 thing!

Karson and Kami said...

lol, little stinkers!

But, it's still cute all the same. Of course grandparent's give these to the children, they don't have to live there hehe.

sherry boles~ said...

CUTE! This looks like one of those gifts that would have to hide at our house...otherwise, it would be everywhere...LOL!

Connie Jo said...

I must confess. I was the one who bought the slimmy bugs. They were in their colors and I planned to open them and play with them at my house, but we ran out of time. I am glad they enjoyed them!