Friday, January 19, 2007

Day #19 - Glow Sticks

Okay- bizarre photo I know. My kids got some of those gel light things- the ones you crack and shake and they glow? Well- they were playing with them in the dark living room- so I set the camera to 'bulb' to capture them spinning them around. I thought it was kinda cool - esp since you can't see them holding them at all. I'd never used the bulb shutterspeed before.


Robyn said...

very cool. I have some of those in the cupbard. will have tod rag them out and give this a go.

Robyn said...

LOL "tod rag" should say "to drag"

Ali said...

I think it's neat!!

Lindi said...

very cool!!!

D said...

Awesome! I love it!

Miranda said...

those are so fun! I love shooting night photography, it's very different and the product can be so awesome

Jen said...

This is awesome! I never would have guessed what they were. Neat idea.

Diane R said...

That is SOOO awesome. I had no idea that you could even do such a thing. WOW - learned something new today!