Monday, January 29, 2007

I've been tagged by Gina :)

The rules are to list 6 weird things about myself and then tag 6 people to do the same.
1-I HATE the smell of bleach- it makes me gag.
2-I am in my 30s but yet love teen-targeted TV (Degrassi, The Hills, old 90120 reruns, etc)
3-I didn't need braces and I've never had a cavity :D
4- But I have a reoccuring nightmare about loose teeth falling out.
5- I have horrible balance- I fall down if I stand with my eyes closed :)
6- I hate olives, but love pickles. My DH is the exact opposite. Our kids love both.

I am tagging
Adrielle Ali Alissa Allison Amanda and Ariana :D


heidi~r. said...

It is so funny that you wrote you love teen geared hubby always laughs at me for watching Degrassi but I am addicted!!

Ariana Sullivan said...

That's funny about bleach. It is very strong...

I like olives and pickles and my dh hates both, lol, so your pickle/olive quirk made me giggle.