Day #26 - Grey Card Exposure

I finally decided to break out the gray card I bought a few weeks back. I used it to both set the exposure AND the CWB. WOW...... the color and skin tone is SPOT on!! All 3 of these pics are SOOC except for cropping/border. I didn't sharpen for the web, so they are flatter than IRL.
My kids weren't much in a photo mood- as Boy #2 and The Girl both had some 24hr flu bug today :( Thankfully at age 4 they are pretty good about being sick though- all they want is a cozy place to watch TV and snuggle in :)
I'll be playing more with this idea- one thing about our house is that we LOVE color, so our rooms are all painted different and bright/dark colors- so color casting is an issue in several of the rooms. So now I'll have to try the grey card thing in all the rooms and see what difference it makes :)
Still on an all natural light- no flash- kick. This month being forced to mess with ISOs has been rather liberating. I'm no longer afraid of high ISOs! :)
Oh they are adorable!! What happened to his nose??
Fantastic for SOOC. I'llhave to stop being lazy and pull out my grey card.
That second one is tack shrp. Great job.
Yay!!! love the bandaid on his nose!
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