Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Day #220- My Little Sickie :(

Our house was all hit with a wicked cold yesterday...and poor Boy #2 has been hit hard- he has asthma and the cold sent him into a tailspin- he's on round the clock breathing treatments :(
Boy #2 is hyper and impulsive to begin with, add massive amounts of albuterol and steroids to him and he's literally bouncing off the walls. Oy. Hopefully he'll rebound soon!


Christie said...

boy, this scared me to death until i realized it was a breathing machine. sending your house prayers to get well soon. :)

Karson and Kami said...

awww :( *big hugs* for him

Ellen said...

Aww!! I hope he's feeling better already. If that smile in the post above is a current picture then that's really good.. But still, that stuff isn't fun. I hope it's all over with soon!