Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day #241- Afternoon at the Park

This afternoon for the FIRST time the kids rode their bikes to our neighborhood school and it's playground. They were so proud of themselves for being "responsible" enough to ride there. Which basically means I can trust them to not ride in the middle of the road, or that when a car is coming or I YELL they will actually move to the side (no sidewalks around here)
The kids had a blast playing on the equipment as usual. Boy #2 has been working so hard at the monkeybars and has gotten good at them! He is a little monkey so it's only fitting :D The Girl had the best tolerance for the spinning thing, probably from ballet class. The boys were so funny- they were quick to get dizzy and fall off :) lol


Christie said...

beautiful kids and color! i love seeing your kids. they are so adorable.

aboutimage said...

Sounds like your kids have fun adventures!