Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day #242- Why Boys Are More Expensive here's the story. We have an entry that's all glass- glass door surrounded by large glass windows on top as well as the side. This would be the large glass window to the side of the door that's about the size of a full size door. I'm upstairs and hear the boys banging on a window- yell down the hall and stairs to stop. It stops. Then I hear LOUD BANGING- as in obviously not with a hand. Sure enough...this was the result. They hit the window with a large hard plastic water bottle (Naegle) filled with water (kept by the dog's water bowl for easy refills)- so very heavy.
Their story: This is Boy #2 talking who admitted to being the one who broke the glass "There were these birds on the lawn and they were eating worms...and we wanted them to stop. So we were hitting the window with our hands but it wasn't scaring them. So [Boy#1] TOLD ME TO DO IT! He told me to hit the glass with it so it would be loud and scare them away so they wouldn't eat the worms!" He then proceeds to yell at Boy#1 "you shouldn't have made me do it!" Needless to say we had a nice discussion about personal responsibility as well as encouraging others to make good choices...blablabla. The funny part is that Boy#2 has a strong sense of right and wrong...he's a very black+white kinda kid. But his brother can SO manipulate him into doing things they both know to be wrong, partly because he adores him so much, but I also think because then he knows he has a partner to blame if it goes south. :)

Oh- the last photo is from later in the reminded me of a get-away scene so I thought fitting with the story :)


Jennifer said...

OMG I would be so mad, but yet I can't stop laughing, I'm sorry! Oh my how kids will talk other kids into doing things that are not good at all. My kids do it to each other all the time! Oh love the song too!

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

OH NO!!! But oh so funny! And that is exactually what I thought about the last photo, the get away!

aboutimage said...

I guess it's easy to laugh when it's not our own window. What a cute story and I love the get-away pic you added. Sorry about the window :(

Sinead said...

Paula Parks-Fitzhugh was telling me about your photos and the 365 challenge. I'm learning (slowly!) and it sounds like a great challenge. I've loved looking through your photos--great work!

Chelle said...

OH NO!!!

My kids are constantly telling me the glass coffee table won't brake. I keep telling that it is very possible. I'll have to show them this picture and explain that they can't do that.

sherry boles~ said...

I didn't realize that I was so behind on my blog commenting...but you've made several posts since my last visit. Your images are wonderful as usual...I really liked the "cousins" post. :)
I won't be laughing at this post though...since that looks WAY too much like something my youngest would do!!

Ariana Sullivan said...

Oh gosh, don't you just love those expenses that are totally avoidable/not necessary?
My dh accidentally broke a window earlier this year and it cost us $400!

At least your son told the truth about breaking it.

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Hahahaha...I'm so sorry, but this is so funny! Especially the "get away bikes." Hope they were able to get rid of those terrible horrible worm eating birds! :0)

Unknown said...

AHH!! I am so sorry! "the getaway" definitely ties into the story...too funny! Goodness give me so much to look forward to with a boy...LOL!!