Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day #11 - Little Lion

In the summer I mostly have my zoom lens on my camera- since we're outside. But now that winter has arrived, I'm becoming reaccquainted with my 50mm. :)
This is one of my kids playmates. It was a cloudy day, but she was right in front of her window. In her lion costume :) lol
I really love this photo!

I just wish her other eye was in focus too, I was shooting at 1/60, f/2. so I suspect that's why. I have trouble doing handheld slower than 1/80. I'm too spazzy :)


Melissa Davis said...

ok that is a CUTE picture!

Robyn said...

very cute. I usually don't even try to capture a kid at less than s/s 200. they just move too d... fast. getting both eyes in focus at that ap is always going to be very difficult.

D said...

BEAUTIFUL! I don't mind the eye oof - it peeking through the hair/mane make me not expect to see it clearly anyway.
Great work!